Child Counseling Services

Are you concerned about changes in your child’s mood and behavior? A child and family therapist can help your child thrive and provide practical parenting tools.

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Child Counseling Services
in Houston, TX and Online

Does Your Child Need a Therapist?

  • Is your normally vibrant, joyful and outgoing child suddenly quiet or withdrawn?
  • Has your child begun acting out in new, worrisome ways? Such as yelling or jumping at inappropriate times, throwing tantrums and/or hitting other children at school?
  • Does your child act angry and aggressive at home or school?
  • Has your child gone from independent and curious to nervous, clingy and anxious about separating from your side?
  • Is your child is having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night frightened, unwilling to be left alone in the dark or unable to fall back asleep?
  • Has it become a struggle to get your child out of bed and ready for the day, even when you’ve planned to do something your child once enjoyed, such as going to a friend’s house or playing sports?
  • Has it become a battle to get your child to complete his or her homework? Or that you’ve discovered he or she has been hiding homework assignments and zoning out at school?
  • Do you wish you could better understand your child and develop the tools you need to help him or her express emotions in healthy, productive and healing ways?

Working with a child therapist can help your child learn new emotional and behavioral habits that can support him/her for their lifetime. For younger children, play therapy is an effective solution. 

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Take Back Control of Your Life With
Child Therapy

Give us a call at 832-559-2622 to find out more about Child Counseling Services in Houston. Or click "Get Started Now" to schedule an appointment online with our Child Therapy counselors today. We have therapists near the Montrose, Heights & Sugar Land neighborhoods and offer online therapy in multiple states.

Are Your Child’s Behavioral or Emotional Issues Leaving You Overwhelmed?

When you attempt to talk to your child about what’s going on, you may be met with lies, avoidance, silence, arguments or tears. Maybe you’re wondering if these are warning signs of bigger issues to come? It can be overwhelming and frightening to watch your son or daughter transform into a child you hardly know.

As you struggle to prevent tantrums, calm fits of tears and address other child behavior problems, you might be fighting against feelings of exhaustion, sadness, anger or even fear. Especially if your child is lashing out physically.

You might also be struggling with shame, guilt and the belief that you’ve failed as a parent somehow.

It may be that teachers, family members or other adults have come to you with concerns, making you feel increasingly frustrated and helpless to make your child feel better, get along with peers or do well in school.

Perhaps your heart is breaking for your child, and you just don’t know what to do.

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Is Your Child Exhibiting a Change in Behavior?

Most Children Struggle to Understand and Express Their Emotions

Children from the ages of 3 to 12 are developing, maturing and learning how to cope with difficult emotions. If your child is exhibiting a change in behavior, it is likely that he or she is trying to deal with a challenging emotion, a significant life change or some new academic or social difficulty.

  • For example, if you have recently lost a family member or beloved pet, or if a neighborhood best friend has just moved away, your child might be struggling with a sense of grief.
  • Or, if your child has just started school, he or she might be upset about new, unfamiliar routines and responsibilities.
  • Children of divorce also commonly exhibit behavioral issues as they adjust to their new family structure.

Behavioral problems are often reflective of underlying emotional issues or struggles.

Mental health issues may be emerging such as ADHD, anxiety, or autism. Your child may be struggling with concentration, controlling impulsive behavior or engaging in conversation. Some children begin exhibiting unusual or regressive behavior after experiencing a trauma such as a natural disaster.

A variety of issues can impact your child mentally and emotionally as they develop.

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There is Help for Your Child

Regardless of what your child is going through, it’s not your fault. And you have not failed as a parent. In fact, just by searching for and landing on a child therapy page, you’ve demonstrated that you care about your child and want to help in any way you can. And, it is possible to help your child through this stage.

A child therapist can offer you new insight and parenting tools. And help your child develop effective emotional regulation, behavioral, social and communication skills.

Child counseling can offer you the key to your child’s development and provide you both with the resources, support and understanding you need to support your child’s positive mental health.

It is possible for your child to learn how to express emotions with clarity and confidence. And, you can develop the insight and skills needed to best help your child navigate this challenging time as well as offer guidance and support in the future.

Your child can find relief, and your family can move into the future feeling stronger, happier and more connected.

With Child Counseling, You and Your Child Can Develop Skills & Strengthen Your Relationship

Eddins Counseling Group offers child therapy, child-focused trauma therapy, child-centered play therapy, and child behavioral therapy to help both parents and children develop new skills. Child counseling can help with a wide range of childhood issues, including grief and loss, crisis and trauma, divorce, anger problems, social development disorders, conduct disorders, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder and more.

Whether you have some idea of what your child is experiencing or you feel completely lost, your child therapist can provide you with support, guidance, treatment plans, and a more connected and empowered path forward.

Because so many children don’t quite know how to identify or talk about their emotions, your therapist will utilize a variety of age-appropriate approaches that are specifically tailored to child life counseling, such as play therapy and art therapy.

Toys and objects can help children focus, interact with others and express many of the thoughts and feelings that they don’t know how to put into words. Therapy can be a space for your child to explore challenging emotions and experience a sense of relief.

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top therapist in houston and sugar land texas

Child Therapy FAQ's

Our therapists will work one-on-one with your child. However, we also know how important it is to engage the whole family, so some sessions will involve parents and, when appropriate, other family members. By working with your child or teen in sessions, you can practice important skills to continue offering support and building a healthy relationship at home.

  • The initial session is a parent intake session where we learn about your concerns regarding your child. 
  • The next 3-5 sessions are conducted with your child directly. Your child’s therapist will create a warm, safe environment so your child can build a sense of trust and feel comfortable talking about his or her thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Because so many children don’t quite know how to identify or talk about their emotions, your therapist will utilize a variety of age-appropriate approaches that are specifically tailored to child life counseling, such as play therapy and art therapy.

Toys and objects can help children focus, interact with others and express many of the thoughts and feelings that they don’t know how to put into words.

  • After 3-5 sessions, we will either involve you in a parent-child session together or schedule a follow up parent session/conversation. 

At any point if you'd like to discuss your child's progress in therapy, we can schedule a brief conversation or a lengthier therapy session. 

Family involvement

Sometimes, we might also ask other family members, such as a sibling or close guardian, to join as well. Familial involvement is essential to your child’s long-term wellbeing, and it is very important to reinforce what he or she has learned in therapy at home.

Marriage and family therapy may also be helpful as disruptive behaviors or mental health issues can put a strain on all family members.

We work with children aged 2 and older, including families with adult children, children with special needs, and children with developmental disabilities.

Even though it may feel painful, we encourage you to bring your child anyway, despite his or her protests. If your child seems disruptive, sullen, angry or changed in some other way, it’s important to get him or her help sooner rather than later.

And, your child is likely to start enjoying therapy after the first few sessions with their child counselor. Therapy can be a comforting, fun place for him or her to try new things and begin to feel better.

Seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of. Many, if not most, parents have felt helpless and powerless at times, and no one has all of the answers.

Through years of research and learning in child psychology, therapists have developed particular modes of therapy to help children. If your child broke his or her arm, no one would expect you to know how to mend it – you would bring your child to a doctor.

Similarly, if you are concerned about your child or feel overwhelmed by a specific issue, it makes sense to see a child counselor who is trained in behavioral therapy and child psychology for children and adolescents and can offer your son or daughter individualized, effective care.

Child and adolescent counselors learn specialized types of therapies to treat children.

Yes, there are several effective types of therapy that work for children online. 

Your therapist will meet with the parent first in a video session. In following sessions they may guide the parent through techniques such as parent-child play therapy.

Participating in child therapy in the comfort of their own home might allow the therapist to see behaviors that are only happening at home. This can speed up the assessment process and help pinpoint target behaviors. 

Online therapy may be less effective for children under the age of ten. For young children, working with parents online is the most effective intervention. Parents can learn effective positive parenting skills that can change a child's behavior. 

Child-parent relational therapy can help parents create deeper emotional bonds with their children. Greater emotional connection improves a child's mood and behavior and lead to positive outcomes for the child. 

Help Your Child Thrive

Child counseling can be a safe space for your child to develop the social, emotional and behavioral skills to thrive.

Support for Parents Too

We offer individual parenting skills support as well as group therapy for parents.

Motherhood Support Group

Mothers in particular may find the demands and expectations of parenting overwhelming. Our Motherhood Support Group is an excellent way to reconnect with yourself and others mothers to create the community and support you need to flourish.

Parenting Skills Support Group

If you have a young child ages 3-10, our parent support group may be helpful for you. This group utilizes an evidence-based parent education program that helps parents build stronger relationships with their children. You will learn strategies to: 

  • Be more attuned to your child’s emotional needs and developmental changes
  • Help your child develop self-control and regulate their emotions
  • Effectively discipline & limit inappropriate behavior
  • Communicate more effectively with your child
  • Feel closer and more connected to your child

Get Help From a Specialist in Child Counseling Services

image of Brittnie Grono

Brittnie Grono

Brittnie works with children, teens, and adults to overcome anxiety, depression, ADHD and behavioral challenges.

image of Jessie Blakely

Jessie Blakely

Jessie has over 10 years of experience working with children, adolescents, young adults, parents, and families. She specializes in a range of ne…

image of Joey Harmon

Joey Harmon

Joey offers therapeutic services for everyone aged 3 and up and strives to provide a judgment-free environment for you or your child to learn an…

image of Lizz Calderon-Mullens

Lizz Calderon-Mullens

I work with children, adolescents, families, and young adults to help with anxiety, depression, spiritual, and relational concerns.

image of Maggie Burkett

Maggie Burkett

Maggie enjoys working with children, teens, and adults experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression, abuse, PTSD, self-harm, etc. Maggie is also a c…

image of Rae Morris

Rae Morris

Worried child? Teen angst? Therapist Rae Morris can help your family replace the worry lines with laughter. Rae is a therapist who is passionate…

image of Tiara Runyon

Tiara Runyon

Tiara offers a collaborative approach, fit to suit your individual needs. Her experience includes working with those facing life transitions and…


What OTHERS Are Saying

Great Counseling Center

Great counseling center. Such a wide variety of highly skilled therapists and great customer service.


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