Eating Disorder Test

Do You Have an Eating Disorder?

Struggling with food, body image, or unhealthy behaviors? Take this eating disorder screening test and find out if you are struggling with an eating disorder. 

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Take The Quiz

Do I Have an Eating Disorder? Take the Screening Test Below and Find Out

Has your relationship with food or your body gotten out of control? Do you feel trapped in routines or habits you can’t break? Does it feel like food has become an enemy? Has your social life, career, or relationship with yourself suffered because of your habits or behaviors? Take the screening test below and find out if you have symptoms of an eating disorder. 

The Eating Disorder Quiz Screens for All Types of Eating Disorders 

If your struggles with food are impacting your life on a consistent basis or have escalated more recently, identifying your risk for an eating disorder is crucial. Eating disorders significantly impact your mental, physical and emotional health. Left untreated, they can have severe consequences on your health. 

Take the screening test below and check your eating disorder symptoms. Note that the eating disorder quiz is a screening tool and does not provide a diagnosis. However, it does indicate if you have symptoms of an eating disorder. 

Answer each question thoughtfully to get an accurate result. 

Note: This screening tool is appropriate for ages 13+. 

Review Your Quiz Score

Review the results of your screening test and take any eating disorder results seriously. 

An eating disorder robs you of happiness and joy. It traps you into believing that you are unworthy or unlovable as you are. If you feel fat or fear fat, it can become a difficult trap to escape. 

Eating Disorders are Treatable!

If you are struggling with eating disorder symptoms, help is available. Eating disorder treatment can help you change the way you feel about yourself and your body. You can learn new coping skills and find a path towards self and body love. Most importantly you can step out of the trap of negative thinking and feeling into a more fulfilling life. 

At Eddins Counseling Group we offer individual therapy and group therapy for eating disorders. 


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Follow Up To The Eating Disorder Test

If you or a loved one took the eating disorder test and scored as having symptoms, take the next step towards recovery.  

Just talking with a therapist can help you relieve feelings of anxiety, shame, and overwhelm. A therapist can help you develop a plan to overcome an eating disorder and reclaim your life. 

Some additional resources on eating disorders and body image: 


*Source: Stanford-Washington University Eating Disorder Screen (SWED); Graham AK, Trockel M, Weisman H, Fitzsimmons-Craft EE, Balantekin KN, Wilfley DE, Taylor CB. A screening tool for detecting eating disorder risk and diagnostic symptoms among college-age women. J Am Coll Health. 2019 May-Jun;67(4):357-366. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1483936. Epub 2018 Oct 9. PMID: 29979922; PMCID: PMC6320726.

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