Adult ADHD Treatment

Do you feel chaotic and wonder how others seem to focus so easily and get things done?

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Adult ADHD Treatment
in Houston, TX and Online

Is ADHD Impacting Your Work, Self-Esteem, or Loved Ones?

  • Is your mind driving you crazy because it doesn’t ever stop darting from one thing to the next?oh
  • Do you have difficulty with organization, planning, or prioritization, and instead do “everything all at once?”
  • Are you often losing track of time and running late?
  • Perhaps you have a high energy level, whether feeling “always on the go” or mentally “always on”.
  • In order to not forget things, do you have to “see” them visually? Out of sight, out of mind.

You might have Adult ADHD. Adult ADHD can be described as a “crowded room” because there’s so much going on all the time. Living with untreated Adult ADHD might feel like constantly swimming upstream like you’re always buzzing and can’t turn off. Or not accomplishing the things you set out to do. Adult ADHD treatment can help you with that. In ADHD coaching, we will embrace the strengths – superpowers – ADHD gives you. And help you develop skills to cope with the behaviors that frustrate you.

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Take Back Control of Your Life With
Adult ADHD Therapy

Give us a call at 832-559-2622 to find out more about Adult ADHD Treatment in Houston. Or click "Get Started Now" to schedule an appointment online with our Adult ADHD Therapy counselors today. We have therapists near the Montrose, Heights & Sugar Land neighborhoods and offer online therapy in multiple states.

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – Inattentive Type (formerly ADD) does not just affect children.  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder impacts adults too. Having ADHD can affect your success at work, time managing, and can cause stress in your relationships. There are many negative stereotypes or words used about people with ADHD that are simply unfair and inaccurate. As with most things, this just comes from a lack of understanding. People with ADHD aren’t lazy, disorganized, or unmotivated. Their brains just work differently and their neurological system is wired differently.  Many people with ADHD are tenacious high achievers who work well under pressure. They can be great problem solvers, adaptable, and energetic. Able to see patterns, think outside the box, and create order from chaos.  People with ADHD are often highly creative and intelligent. They can also be compassionate, helpful, social, and entertaining. It’s useful to look at both sides of the coin so you can value and emphasize your strengths. And develop skills for executive functioning and emotional regulation. Women with ADHD may appear different from men on the outside. They may not display physical restlessness or energy in the same fashion. Rather, women may experience mental hyperactivity – a constant barrage of thoughts. ADHD in women is often underdiagnosed. Treatment for ADHD in Houston, Tx can help you get your life back on track and maximize your strengths. If you are feeling unsure about whether Adult ADHD applies to you, review the following list of common adult add symptoms. This list is not meant to be a technical diagnosis of Adult ADHD, but rather a list of common symptoms or characteristics.

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Do I Have Adult ADHD?

Common Symptoms of ADHD

To get the best help you need to distinguish between symptoms of anxiety/depression and symptoms of ADHD.

Attention Related Symptoms

  • Unwilling “tuning out” – suddenly realizing you haven’t heard anything that’s been said, don’t remember what you’ve just read or seen
  • Short attention span or distractibility EXCEPT around areas of high interest and motivation
  • Feeling that you either can’t concentrate or you hyperfocus – focusing in on one thing only to the exclusion of the world around you
  • Unfinished tasks and projects that were initially exciting and energizing when started
  • Difficulty finishing a thought
  • Feeling as if the speech center of your brain isn’t connected as quickly to the thought center – you know, the thing, the doodad, whatchamacalit
  • Feel as if you lack a template for how order comes about. You might get started on it, but just feel overwhelmed
  • Memory lapses – “where did I put those keys?” Leaving the house and forgetting something, “what was I doing?”
  • Feeling pulled in multiple directions – having one idea and then getting a second, then a third…

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ADHD Hyperactivity Type Related Symptoms:

  • Verbal impulsiveness; finding that you interrupt others when talking, blurting out thoughts or monopolizing conversation
  • Impulsiveness may also show up as impulse buying or compulsive eating
  • Hyperactivity; physical difficulty in keeping still, a feeling of restlessness, fidgeting (others may perceive this as anxiety)
  • Hyperactivity may show up verbally, especially in girls – excessive talking without physical restlessness
  • Hyperverbality – rapid-fire speech. You may feel that words go by in your head so quickly you have to speak fast or you’ll lose them
  • Aversion to boredom, lack of stillness, constant “white noise” in your mind; constant feeling that you have to be doing something

Other ADHD Symptoms

  • Difficulty with spatial relationships of things
  • Openness with personal boundaries and difficulty recognizing the space and personal boundaries of others (touching when talking, etc)
  • Rapidly shifting moods, from excited and exuberant to down and disappointed in the next moment
  • Lack a concept of time – continuously misjudging how long something will take, or stopping to do “one more thing” on your way out the door
  • Procrastination – not due to difficulty per se, but the lack of immediate reward or motivating adrenaline rush that comes with a last minute deadline
  • Rejection sensitivity

Adult ADHD Treatment & Assessment

Remember, many of these symptoms exist alone in people without adult ADHD and are by no means indicative of a diagnosis of ADHD. For a brief ADHD assessment, you can take our short online ADHD test. It’s also important to look at your history and feedback from family and friends. An ADHD coach can help you do a thorough assessment to see if ADHD is a possible factor for you and if you should seek ADHD treatment. Treatment for Adult ADHD is coaching and skills development in addition to the consideration of medication. Because of the way an ADHD brain works, it’s important to practice and learn certain behaviors and skills to help you develop strategies to boost executive functioning skills. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help. Often ADHD runs in families so your parents might not have been able to help you learn these skills early on. It’s not about curing ADHD (sorry, it doesn’t work that way), but rather managing ADHD symptoms and learning how to work with it in a way that works for you and helps you to have a successful life. This means, learning executive functioning skills, emotion and mood management skills, time management strategies, and strategies for effective sleep.

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Adult ADHD Therapy FAQ's

Adult ADHD treatment involves a multi-prong approach.

Counseling and medication together can help you control and manage your ADHD symptoms. Both nonstimulant medications and stimulant medication can be part of effective treatment for adult ADHD. 

As therapists, we do not prescribe medication, but we can refer you to a psychiatrist (medical doctor) who does.

Typically, a doctor prescribes medication but doesn’t provide ADHD behavioral coaching, which is what a counselor or therapist provides.

Talk with your counselor if you have questions or concerns about medication.

However, combining both ADHD coaching and medication is a highly effective treatment option for most adults. 

ADHD Coaching focuses on specific behaviors and skills

Living with ADHD involves learning skills that don't come naturally to you. 

In therapy, you focus on behaviors and habits that build these skills over time. 

By establishing new routines, supports, and structures it is possible to live with ADHD without medication. 

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to live with ADHD without medication.

Lifestyle habits that improve ADHD symptoms include:

  • diet
  • nutritional supplements such as fish oil, zinc, vitamin D and magnesium
  • exercise
  • a good-fit career
  • engaging in creative activities,
  • and living a life based on your strengths.

Studies around the world show that ADHD adults exposed to green space (outdoors) have higher levels of concentration and focus immediately afterward. 

There are three primary types of adult ADHD: 

  1. ADHD Inattentive Type 
  2. ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive Type 
  3. Combined Inattentive/Hyperactive Type

Realistically though, ADHD looks a bit different for each person. There are common traits that people see on the outside. But, as the ADHD iceberg illustrates, many more areas of executive functioning and emotional regulation are impacted and lie under the surface. 

Review the ADHD iceberg chart to really get a sense of which areas of ADHD impact you the most. 

Focus on your symptoms, paying attention to their impact on your life.

Is ADHD affecting your work, relationships, emotions, etc? Review the chart to identify the key areas of your brain impacted by ADHD. Then, working with your therapist to treat ADHD, you can focus specifically on the areas most impacting you. 

Yes! Our child therapy specialists work with children and teens with ADHD.

Strategies used are tailored for each age range. 

Teens may need more assistance with prioritization, organization, and planning skills as well as emotion regulation. 

Younger children may need more help with impulsivity and aggressive behaviors. 

Children and teens work with our child and teen specialists whereas as adults with adhd work with our adult adhd specialists. 

ADHD is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder since it impacts the functioning of the neurological system and the brain.

Learn more about neurodiveristy and adhd in children. 

The current criteria for an ADHD diagnosis includes the presence of ADHD symptoms as a child, specifically before age 12.

Many people with ADHD were diagnosed as a child and thus, always knew they had ADHD.

However, many adults may have been overlooked as children, have milder cases, had atypical symptoms (ie., many girls), or simply learned skills to cope with their ADHD symptoms.

And, as ADHD impacts a certain part of the brain, it's possible for your symptoms to change over time.

Therapy For ADHD Can Help You:

  • Develop strategies and skills for coping with distractibility
  • Create a work environment in harmony with the way your brain works
  • Deal with procrastination
  • Create specific skills to plan, organize and manage your work and home life
  • Communicate effectively with people affected by your ADHD so that you can develop a partnership in managing your Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Learn emotion regulation skills and cope with rejection sensitivity and interpersonal relationships
  • Develop a sense of self-esteem so that you don’t lose track of your strengths
  • Optimize environments and careers to align with gifts of creativity, intelligence, and energy
  • Find ways to relax, slow down, and reduce the overwhelm, restlessness, and chaos

Let us help you take steps to live a satisfying life with adult ADHD. Using the available adult ADHD treatment services that we offer can help you to manage the chaos and help bring you back to a productive life. Click the links below to request an appointment.

Get Help From a Specialist in Adult ADHD Treatment

image of Brittnie Grono

Brittnie Grono

Brittnie works with children, teens, and adults to overcome anxiety, depression, ADHD and behavioral challenges.

image of Jessie Blakely

Jessie Blakely

Jessie has over 10 years of experience working with children, adolescents, young adults, parents, and families. She specializes in a range of ne…

image of Joan Mullinax

Joan Mullinax

Joan specializes in therapy services and career counseling and helps clients with challenges incl. anxiety, depression, self-esteem, relationshi…

image of Kelsey Engdorf

Kelsey Engdorf

Kelsey enjoys working with teens, young adults, and couples to help them build the lives they want and make meaningful changes.

image of Lizz Calderon-Mullens

Lizz Calderon-Mullens

I work with children, adolescents, families, and young adults to help with anxiety, depression, spiritual, and relational concerns.

image of Sarah Soto

Sarah Soto

Sarah’s specialties and professional interests include helping people through life changes, trauma, PTSD, abuse, anxiety, stress, depression, AD…

image of Steven Serrano

Steven Serrano

Steven is a bilingual (English & Spanish) psychotherapist. Steven’s experience includes counseling individuals, couples, families and teens in t…

image of Tiara Runyon

Tiara Runyon

Tiara offers a collaborative approach, fit to suit your individual needs. Her experience includes working with those facing life transitions and…

image of Vanessa Guidry

Vanessa Guidry

Vanessa works with teens, young adults and families. She helps with behavioral concerns, emotional stress such as anxiety, anger and depression,…


What OTHERS Are Saying

Welcoming & Great Listener

Sessions are going very well with my therapist. I like her ability to create a comfortable and open environment. She is a great conversation starter, and it’s easy to express ourselves about anything. She is very welcoming and a great listener.


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